Services & Fees
Fees: Individual sessions - $165 for 50 minutes per session, play therapy, individual adult, and parenting sessions.
Couples Therapy - $200 per 50 min session
Some insurance is accepted. Please ask. I’m also happy to provide a superbill for you to send to your insurance company.
Play Therapy with Children: Janet aims to help children and their families find contentment and connection in their relationships. Her passion is PLAY: the language of children. She views children through the lens of wonder. She accepts all they bring to the Playroom. Then, they play together to bring language to the emotions they experience in their lives that may not have been there before.
Therapy with Adults: Janet’s work with adults is some of the most meaningful and purposeful hours as a therapist. She has had years of experience in helping clients make changes in their lives, find meaning, and to process deep hurts caused by life’s experiences. She has a focused emphasis on bringing “aliveness” back into the client's life so that burdens feel less and hope returns.
Trauma-Informed Therapy: Janet has worked for over 20 years with people who have experienced childhood trauma as well as sexual trauma. I understand and can help clients navigate the emotional turmoil and scars left by a life of injury. Janet is willing to put in the emotional effort to support her clients through the difficulties of their pasts. She has had extensive training in Trauma Informed Therapy, Neuroscience, and Brain / Body connection to help her move through, understand, and navigate back to a place of felt safety.
Therapist Supervision: Janet is a Nevada MFT / CPC board-approved supervisor and a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor offering supervision toward full licensure and Registered Play Therapist certification. If you are looking for a Primary, Secondary, or Play Therapy Supervisor, please contact Janet below and we will find a time to discuss your goals for your life as a Therapist! Play Therapy Supervision / Consultation = $80 for 2 hour group meeting block
State intern Sueprvisison - $45 per hour group meeting / $75 per hour individual supervision.
Adoption Competent Therapy: Janet is an Adoption Compassionate and Competent Therapist working with all members of the Adoption Constellation (adoptee, adoptive parent, birth parent, and family members), and their supporters. Janet has advanced training to meet the needs of the Adopted Child and Family. She is a Registered Play Therapist, a Trust Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI) Practitioner and I am trained in Level I Theraplay. She is attachment-focused and has a foundation in Gestalt Theory.
Her connection to adoption is that she is a “baby-scoop” era Adoptee and an advocate for adoptee rights. She is an expert on being adopted. She has been doing it her whole life. She has a unique perspective and she understands the clinical aspects of adoption trauma. She works with children who are in the process of being adopted, and who are adopted to help them express their experiences.
For the past 10 years, she has worked extensively with children in the foster care system, who are in the process of adoption, and who have been adopted. She is the co-facilitator of the Las Vegas Adoptees Connect Group - www.adopteeconnect.com.
She also works with adult adoptees to help them navigate the many emotions and aspects of being an adopted person.